2017年9月2日 星期六

TS車體創意貼膜 #新竹車體包膜 #車輛改裝 #汽車彩繪 #汽車包膜 #機車包膜@竹北汽車包膜~竹北機車包膜

Change the colour of your car quickly and cost effectively, with no need for a re-spray

TS車體創意貼膜,新竹車體包膜 竹北汽車包膜,竹北機車包膜,汽車包膜

Car wrapping is reversible, so if you want to go back to the way the car was later on, you can

Car wraps can even protect your original paintwork from sun damage and mild abrasions

TS車體創意貼膜,新竹車體包膜 竹北汽車包膜,竹北機車包膜,汽車包膜

If you don't want to do a full car body wrap, you can personalise your car by wrapping just the wing mirrors, front grill or roof instead!
TS車體創意貼膜,新竹車體包膜 竹北汽車包膜,竹北機車包膜,汽車包膜

[ Trailer ] 快餐車 ( Wheels On Meals ):

